I was in heaven…

So what exactly is a ‘doula’? A labor/birth doula is a woman (I disagree and would like to give a shout out to some of the amazing Man-Doula’s we have out there!), who provides physical and emotional support to women and their families during labor and birth. A doula gives the families evidence-based information and resources to help them make informed choices and ‘she’ also helps advocate for their client. They are there to support the families’ choice in birth and to help ensure they have the most positive experience possible. Now for my definition: A doula is a support person who provides emotional and physical support during the prenatal period, labor and birth. ‘She’ is a friend, a companion, a shoulder to cry on, an anxiety reducer, a listening ear to vent too and often times a mediator.  ‘She’ is involved in an intimate part of their life; thus, making ‘her’ role an honorable one.
How does one train to become a labor doula? Well technically, formal training is not required in the United States; however, it is highly recommended. There are well established associations such as CAPPA (Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association) and DONA that are highly sought after for training. I trained with CAPPA and have not regretted my decision once! I attended the weekend in-person training in Avila Beach, CA with trainer/mentor, Terri Woods, CLD, (where I became ‘almost granola’) and then I was on my own (ok, not really, I had a ton of support from CAPPA and my peers) to continue my certification process. Some of the requirements for CAPPA certification are to observe three births and obtain positive evaluation forms from clients and caregivers, read a TON of books, attend breastfeeding and childbirth classes, pass an exam, essay questions and a few other steps. I immediately started tackling the reading and soon my entire world was consumed with pregnancy, birth and newborns…..I had found my place…. I was in heaven.

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